Underwater Month in Genius Words: Meet Titanic Discoverer Robert Ballard and Experiment with Underwater Magnets

March 22, 2022 / DIY & Printable

Genius content refreshes every month! This month, dive into the underwater world, learning about sharks, seashells, scuba, and everything in between.

We’ve compiled limited-time game updates, real-life genius stories, and educator-approved activities into interactive printables, designed to enhance your little kids’ learning. Access this week’s printable by clicking the button below:

Game Update

In Osmo Words, swim through a dance party at the Underwater Museum, tapping on each object to learn more. Only available this month!

Genius Spotlight: Robert Ballard

If you’ve ever heard of the Titanic—the “greatest of all lost ships”—it’s probably thanks to Robert Ballard!

The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912 during its first voyage. It was found on the Atlantic Ocean floor 73 years later. Underwater archeologist Robert Ballard was in charge of its discovery.

As an underwater archeologist, Robert’s job is to study how humans have interacted with the sea throughout history. It requires diving and using tech devices to look closely at the ocean floor.

When the Titanic first set sail, it was the largest human-made moving object in the world. You’d think an object that big would be easy to detect underwater, but no! For decades after it sank, nobody knew where exactly it was.

Even Robert’s first attempt at finding the Titanic was unsuccessful. 8 years later, with the help of a research robot that could take deep-sea videos, he and his team located the wreck.

Robert’s discovery inspired the 1997 movie Titanic, one of the most successful films ever. It includes real underwater footage of the sunken ship, which is split in two and covered in “rusticles” (icicle-shaped rust).

Experts believe the Titanic will eventually be consumed by rust-loving bacteria. Until then, Robert’s discovery will live on as one of the most influential underwater finds of all time.

Real-World Activity: Underwater Magnets

Try this educator-approved activity at home. This week’s printable (button above) has instructions with photos!

Go diving for sunken objects with the help of a magnet! You’ll need:

  • Bowl of water
  • Magnet (it can be a refrigerator magnet)
  • String
  • Handful of paper clips


  1. With an adult’s help, tie a string around your magnet. Make sure it’s strong enough to go in and out of water.
  2. Toss your paper clips into the bowl of water. They’ll sink because they’re denser than the water.
  3. Drop your magnet-on-a-string into the bowl, seeing how many paper clips you can pick up at a time.
  4. Try a few times! Record your results in the chart in this week’s printable (button above).