5 Art Activities for Kids that Encourage Self-Expression

April 5, 2021 / Learn About Osmo

Your child might be finding it difficult to express themselves sometimes. It’s probably because they aren’t able to identify the source of their worry. The below art activities games use art as therapy and a space for self-expression.

How Does It Make You Feel? with Art Activities for Preschoolers

The next time you notice your child feeling overwhelmed by their emotions, ask them to visually represent how they feel. To begin with, give your child a blank sheet of paper and ask them to channel their emotions through art activities on one side of the paper. It could just be scribbles and doodles too! On the other side, they could express themselves by writing down how they feel by these art for preschoolers.

You could show this image to your kids so they can identify how they’re feeling:

Words Collage an Art for Preschoolers:

Ask your child to describe themselves with these art activities for kids. For example, what color is their hair? What is their favorite food? Once they’ve reflected on these questions, they need to find words that best describe them or their interests in newspapers or magazines. Then, cut these words out, and make an awesome collage! Check out Osmo’s iPad learning game – Words an art activities for preschoolers – to introduce your child to new vocabulary.

The Softness Project an Fun Art Activities for Kids:

If your kids are too young to express themselves verbally, art therapy an fun art activities for kids of this form could help. Cut out pieces of soft fabric and textured materials and stick them on cardboard. Then, allow your child to explore their senses by touching these different materials. It will provide them a sense of calm. Additionally, your child can hug a pillow while sleeping if they’re scared, or use their favorite blanket to keep them free from any anxiety.

Zentangle Drawing Activity the Art Activities for Preschoolers:

This is a great way to help your kids pass time in a healing way. On a blank sheet of paper, help your child draw random patterns of their choice an art for preschoolers. They could start off with a simple square and then draw a circle within. Similarly, they can draw any shape they want, and then color them in. If drawing is too much of a hassle, here’s an image your little one can color an art activities for kids.

For online drawing games for kids, check out Osmo’s Masterpiece and Super Studio games!

Build a Safe Place with Art for Preschoolers:

This activity an art for preschoolers would work for all age groups. You will need cardboard boxes, coloring pencils, and sequins (or any such creative props), along with scissors and glue. First, ask your child to picture their happy/safe place. Is it bright and sunny? How does it smell? What can they see or hear? Next, ask your kids an art activities to take a minute and focus on their breathing. Once they have a clear mental image, ask them to put their imagination on paper! They could use all the materials you’ve gathered, or just create a simple drawing. The more creative freedom they get, the better!

We hope these creative games and art activities will help your child express themselves better. For plugged-in, interactive educational games, do check the rest of our website! We offer a wide range of fun coding games for kids, literacy games for kids, and more!