Helping Your Child Develop Fine Motor Skills

What are fine motor skills? They involve the use of small muscles in our wrists, hands, feet, fingers, and toes. Developing fine motor skills involves actions such as grasping, holding, or pressing. There are so many things we do each day that require fine motor skills that it’s easy to…

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Most Parents Want Schools To Teach Kids Social Skills

In addition to academic studies and the arts, parents would also like schools to teach their children social skills this year. Today’s parents are concerned about their children’s social development in the face of the global pandemic. Many children did remote school last year creating a…

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Honey Run Teacher Uses ‘Osmo for Schools’ Program to Teach Coding in Summer School

QUICKSBURG — Kathryn Staton is teaching math and reading this summer at Honey Run Elementary School (formerly Ashby Lee Elementary School), and she decided to do something a little different — teach her rising third graders coding, or computer programming. During the school year, Staton is the school’s technology teacher…

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