Kids Indoor Play Activities to Improve Your Child’s Decision Making Skills

April 5, 2021 / Learn About Osmo

The ability to make decisions is an important skill that kids can carry into adulthood. Here are some kids indoor play to help incorporate decision making into your child’s daily routine.

Tic Tac Toe: Activities to do with Kids

Also called naughts and crosses, this activities to do with kids is a great way to practice sound decision making. You first need to assign a symbol to each player – one person is naughts, and the other is crosses. The kids will then need to take turns to place their mark in an open square. The aim is to make a row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) with the symbol assigned to them. Kids will need to concentrate on the constructive play closely in order to prevent their opponent from potentially getting a row of three.

Here’s an outline of the game:

Role-Playing: Fun Indoor Activities for Kids

Fun indoor activities for kids: Ask your little one to choose their favorite cartoon. Then, they need to decide which character they would like to play. As they get into character, they will learn to see things from different perspectives and make decisions through different characters. Osmo helps your child connect with their favorite cartoon characters through art – check out our Super Studio games today!

This or That: Kids Indoor Play

Ask your little one to choose between two different things every day. Keep a box of picture cards, point at each picture, and ask your kids to first name them. Then, ask them questions like “Would you rather be this or that?” For instance, you could point at an ant and an elephant and ask them what they would like to be and why an kids indoor play.

Color the images below!

Yarn Maze: Activities to do with Kids

Use strings of yarn to “draw” a maze at home an activities to do with kids! Your little one could use a toy car to make his way through the maze an indoor games to play with kids. If they get stuck, they need to start from scratch! The game requires your child to be cautious while making decisions. You could also play this game outdoors by using a piece of chalk to draw your maze.

How the Story Goes: Constructive Play

Read the first few pages of a story your child hasn’t heard before. Then, narrate two alternative paths and ask them to choose which path they like more an constructive play! For example, you could say “Rabbit decided to eat all his carrots”, and “Rabbit decided to eat one carrot and save the rest for the rest of the journey” Once they choose a path, they need to tell the rest of the story using their own imagination. One such fun indoor games for kids, that encourages decision making is Osmo’s Stories!

Pick Up Sticks: Activities to do with Kids

If you don’t have wooden sticks, you could use straws or even twigs for this fun activities to do with kids. Hold these sticks in your fist and then let them fall onto a table. Your child will need to remove one stick from the pile at a time without moving the other sticks! This fun indoor activities for kids helps to recognize which sticks are easier to move compared to the rest.

Fun Indoor Activities for Kids: What’s Cooking?

The dish you prepare will be based on an ingredient of your child’s preference. Ask your little one to go into the kitchen and choose from among the various ingredients they see. If your child spots some eggs and chooses it as the main ingredient for your dish, ask them to once again choose between two dishes – for instance, a crepe and an omelet an kids indoor play. 

Check out Osmo’s educational iPad game, Pizza Co. for a delicious learning experience also an constructive play.

Test your child’s food vocabulary! – 

Stuck on a Deserted Island an Constructive Play:

State a hypothetical scenario to your little one. Ask them “If you were stuck on a deserted island and you could only take three things with you, what would they be?” Ask them to justify why they’ve chosen those items. For instance, if they choose three toys to take with them to the desert, ask them “But what will you eat?” This constructive play game is more suitable for older preschoolers.
We hope you enjoy playing these indoor fun games with your little one. Osmo offers a wide range of STEM activities for kids that boost kids’ imaginations and decision-making skills