5 Ways in Which Interactive Learning Methods Can Help Your Child
Conventional teaching methods don’t often work with little ones due to their notoriously short attention spans. Interactive learning methods can encourage kids to work with their hands while stimulating their minds. Here are types of interactive learning:
Social Skills-Interactive e Learning:
By incorporating play into learning settings, interactive kids’ games help children develop their interactive social skills games and form relationships with others. As the games encourage kids to work together as a team, there emerges a feeling of trust and cooperation among them. One such classic interactive learning game is Charades. In this game, a child must act out a word from a list that you’ve prepared. As the rest of the kids try and understand what is being portrayed, they develop a sense of belonging and accomplishment.
Physical Development-Interactive Learning Strategies:
Games that require kids to work with their hands or bodies prove to be super beneficial. Beyond strengthening a child’s muscles and improving balance, these games strengthen the bond between body and brain. Twister is a popular example of a interactive social skills games that enhances physical development. Best enjoyed by a group of 4-5 children, this game hones analytical thinking skills and enables children to think on their feet! (and hands) Another famous game is Hide and Go Seek!
Mental Development-Interactive Social Skills Games:
Have you ever played quizzes with your child? A quiz is a great way to check what your child has learned and retained. Before you start to teach them an important subject, tell them that you would be conducting a quiz at the end of it, and whoever gets the most number of right answers wins! This also promotes healthy competition and improves their memory skills.
Soft Skills-Interactive Learning:
Interactive and fun, active games for kids teach soft skills like critical thinking, empathy, and organization. For example, you can instruct your little one to build a fort using household items. This would require them to interact with one another and think of the many ways in which they can build a strong fort that won’t break! This interactive learning activity will heighten their ability to think logically and critically. An interactive activity that can develop empathy is roleplaying. You can act out a skit using only your facial expressions and then ask the kids what they understood from it.
Increased Engagement-Interactive Social Skills Games:
When your child sits and studies from a book for hours altogether, it can make them tardy and even restless. Interactive learning methods can give kids an immersive, educational experience. For example, if your child loves to listen to music, you can add an element of music to a subject to make it more engaging and interesting. You can sing along with them and spend some quality time with your little one.
The above are examples of indoor games that don’t need technology. For plugged-in, tech-based activities, take a look at our interactive social skills websites! We offer a wide range of interactive learning and stem activities for kids that can transform the learning experience and keep them thoroughly engaged and entertained.