Can You Have Multiple Profiles on Osmo?

Please note that you cannot use more than one profile at the same time in any Osmo app.  To view the game progress for any profile in myOsmo, please log in to myOsmo (​​), click “myProfiles” on top of the page, then click any profile icon to…

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Does Osmo Require WiFi?

You don’t need the internet to play most of the time. There are, however, times when you do need an internet connection such as: 1. When you are setting up your myOsmo account; 2. When you are downloading or updating your Osmo apps; 3. When you are syncing up your…

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What Games Come With Osmo Genius Starter Kit?

Osmo’s Genius Starter Kit includes 5 interactive games for kids. Tangram: Arrange tangible Tangram tiles to match on-screen puzzles for kids Words: Arrange physical letter tiles to spell secret words Newton: Solve physics puzzles by drawing lines or placing items in front of the…

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