Summer, Powered by Osmo
Getting your kids to study during the summer could be tricky. When learning is less serious, however, your kids begin to view core subjects as fun rather than “boring”. With Osmo, you can replace traditional methods of learning with hands-on games for creativity, exploration, and independent play! Shop now. Check…
Preparing Kids to Go Back to School After Summer Break
Getting back to school after the summer holidays is far from easy. To ease the transition, we’ve listed a few tips that might help your child. Provide Reassurance How exactly is your child feeling about the transition? If they’re anxious, ask them why they feel that way. Maybe there’s something…
Toy Insider Features Osmo on Fox 4 Ft. Myers
Osmo’s Genius Starter Kit is one of the best summer travel learning toys for kids this year! Laurie Schacht, the Chief Toy Officer of Toy Insider joined Fox 4 in Ft. Myers to talk about Osmo, Junkbots, Tonies, and more summer travel toys. The Genius Starter Kit…