Osmo Education’s STEAMY Summer Podcast Series: Episodes 1, 2, and 3
Have you listened to our STEAMY Summer podcast yet? When you listen to this playlist, you’ll be able to gain valuable information from the following guest speakers: Episode 1: In the first episode of Osmo Education’s STEAMY Summer podcast series, our guest is Adam Peterson. Adam is an award-winning educator…
Honey Run Teacher Uses ‘Osmo for Schools’ Program to Teach Coding in Summer School
QUICKSBURG — Kathryn Staton is teaching math and reading this summer at Honey Run Elementary School (formerly Ashby Lee Elementary School), and she decided to do something a little different — teach her rising third graders coding, or computer programming. During the school year, Staton is the school’s technology teacher…
STEAMY Summer Podcast by Osmo Education
The STEAMY Summer Podcast Series, presented by Osmo Education, features educators’ perspectives on the importance of a high-quality STEAM and STEM education for kids. Guests share their favorite tips and strategies for enhancing student engagement and enjoyment in learning, tell us their favorite…