Happy Osmoween! Enjoy These Osmo Activities to Celebrate!
Looking for some fun ways to use Osmo to get into the Halloween words spirit? We’ve got you covered! Osmoween Word Search Osmoween Tracing Page 1: Page2: Page 3: Osmoween Crossword…
Choice Boards for Fall-Themed Activities with Osmo in the Classroom!
Need some inspiration for some choice boards in your classroom this fall? Check out awesome ideas from Osmo Ambassador Laurie Guyon! Choice boards are a great way to give students autonomy while still working on concepts you need them to work on. And when students have a choice, they’re more…
Fall-Themed / Halloween-Themed Activities with Osmo in Your Classrooms!
Teachers! Are you ready for your students to creatively while using physics AND get into the spirit of Fall? Then check out Osmo Newton! For a fall-themed activity, students can use fall-themed items (leaves, pumpkins, gourds, fall-colored markers/crayons, fall decorations, etc.) to…