The Boredom Games with Best Educational Games for Kids Who Get Bored Easily

March 23, 2021 / Learn About Osmo

It is only natural for your little one to feel bored and restless in these trying times. Here are some boredom games that can keep your child engaged and entertained while teaching them core subjects like math, geography, and science.

A Reading Habit-Games to Play when you are Bored at Home:

When you make your child read every day for half an hour, they become increasingly more focused and less agitated. As your kids learn new words, they can express themselves better and be better speakers as well! At the end of the activity, you can conduct a little test for them to see how many new words they remember. If you’re looking for literacy games for kids, look no further than Osmo’s Words game. These are some fun games when your bored that develops your child’s vocabulary and turns them into avid readers.

Environmental ScienceBoredom Games:

The best games to kill boredom: With schools around the world closing for months on end, it could be a challenge to keep kids active. Take fun walks with your kids every day while teaching them about crucial environmental science concepts! Teach them about the importance of keeping their surroundings clean, and about the consequences of pollution. Once you get back home after your walk, you can ask your kids to make a recycling bin and practice sorting. The items that can’t be recycled will need to go in the trash!

Practicing Times Tables-Fun Games when your Bored:

When you practice time tables as a time-filler, it can work wonders for your child. For example, as your child waits for their favorite show to come on TV, it can be the perfect opportunity for you to spend some time reciting or testing times tables. You could even ask them to help you calculate the price of items while shopping, or by working out quantities for scaling up a recipe! Some boredom games that improve your child’s math skills are Osmo’s Pizza Co. and Numbers.

World Map-Games to Play when you are Bored at Home:

Pique your child’s interest in geography games by hanging a world map on your wall. You can ask your child to identify the different continents and countries in the world every day. You can also print out a map every once in a while so they can label places they know. As you make this a habit, they can get better at it and be able to identify all the places on the map in no time! A fun boredom games that hones your child’s geographical knowledge is Osmo’s Detective Agency.

Practicing Writing-Best Games to kill Boredom:

Ensure your little one practices writing every day so they can be better prepared for school. For younger children, you could let them trace and connect the dots to form letters. You can also ask them to use different color pencils while doing this activity, so they can identify each color. As for older kids, you can ask them to maintain a journal and write about their day. These fun games when your bored and activities enhance their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination beyond honing their writing skills.

Plant a Garden-Games to kill Boredom:

Games to kill boredom: Gardens are lessons in nutrition, science, and patience. While your child gets to eat the vegetables he’s grown on his own, there emerges a feeling of accomplishment and responsibility. You can help them study a plant’s specific name, and even help them grow more difficult plants! Maintaining a garden journal would help them remember the information they’ve accumulated. 

Musical Learning-Boredom Games:

Kids with early musical training are able to develop areas of their brain related to language and reasoning. You can incorporate music into your daily routines through grammar chants, table manners chants, and the months’ chants. Additionally, you can play soft music if they have trouble focusing on tasks at hand. Soothing music can improve their engagement levels tenfold! Check out Osmo’s Coding Jam for a musical learning experience. This boredom games teaches your child to code through music!
To rid your child of boredom, we have put together these fun games to play when bored online that make learning fun and interactive. We hope you enjoy playing these games when your bored online with your little one!