7 Fun Games to Play with Kids on National STEM Day
National stem day is November 8. If you’re looking for offline best stem toys to play with your child, you’ve come to the right place. These stem building toys blend learning and fun and are easy for anyone to play!
If-Then Coding Game-Stem Coding Toys:
In this stem coding toys game, there needs to be one “programmer” (you) and a few “computers” (your kids). Stand in front of them and give “if-then commands” like “If I dance, then you dance, too!” It’s just like the classic game of Simon Says but with coding commands instead.
Watercolor House-Stem Educational Toys:
Help your child build a house using watercolor paper, then paint the house together. This stem learning toys activity teaches art with architecture and kickstarts creativity and critical thinking skills. If you want to get even more creative, you don’t have to make a house — you can make anything you want!
Food Science (+ Math!)-Best Stem Toys:
Next time you make pizza, teach your kids about elasticity by stretching the dough and showing how it returns to its original shape. You can also teach them about fractions and other mathematical properties while cooking with these stem educational toys for kids.
STEM Movie Night on this Stem Day:
Some movies that can help your kids learn about best stem toys for kids are Hidden Figures and Big Hero 6. Pop some popcorn and snuggle up for an exciting STEM movie marathon!
Human Body Measurement-Stem Day:
Ask your kids “Which is greater: arm span or height?” Then ask them to group themselves according to their prediction (arm span is greater than, less than, or equal to height). Finally, give each group a piece of string to test and measure these stem building toys!
Foaming Soap Science Experiment-Stem Day:
Place a bar of soap in a bowl, microwave it for two minutes, and watch it grow on this stem day! You’ll spot some foam, too. Curious how this experiment works? Soap contains lots of little air bubbles. As the air bubbles heat up in the microwave, they get bigger. Since bar soap is a solid, once it expands it stays at that size.
Math With Movement-Best Stem Toys:
First, draw several groups of dots on a piece of paper by these best stem toys for toddlers. Then, write the dot quantity for each group on separate sticky notes and hide the sticky notes throughout the house. Ask the kids need to count the dot quantity and find the matching sticky note. Here’s a sample of how to draw your dot sheet:
We hope you enjoy playing these educational games on National STEM Day! If you’re looking for more games to play, check out fun coding games, word games, and puzzles for kids.